English Translations
On this page there are Japanese words that I know english translations for.These words might be helpful when visiting sites with Japanese wrods on them.I hope you find this useful.If you have any other translations e-mail me.

Ami -- Amy

chibi -- small

Chibi-Usagi(Usa) -- Small Serena

Haruka -- Amara

Kakyuu,Princess -- Fireball,Princess

kawaii -- cute

(K)ki -- tree

konni-chiwa -- hello,hi

Makoto -- Lita

Michiru -- Michelle

Minako -- Mina

Odango Atama -- Dumpling Head

Rei -- Raye

Sailor fuku -- Sailor clothes

Sailor Senshi -- Sailor Scouts

sama -- miss,ms.

Setsuna -- Trista

(T)tsuki -- moon

Tuxedo Kamen -- Tuxedo Mask

(U)usagi -- (B)bunny,rabbit

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