What's Sailor Moon?
        Sailor Moon is a Japanese cartoon made by Naoko Takeuchi.It is about a teenage girl who lives in Tokyo,Japan.She has a cat named Luna that she found while some kids were doing something to Luna in a parking lot.Serena is that girl.Luna follows her and tells her that she is the fighter of truth,love,and justice,Sailor Moon.Serena is also the princess of the moon,Princess Serena of the Moon Kingdom.Serena's real mother is Queen Serenity.
        Her friends Mina, Lita, Raye, Amy, Haruka(Amara), Michelle(Michiru), Setsuna(Trista), Hotaru and her future daughter Rini are Sailor Scouts like Sailor Moon.All of the Sailors fight evil.Mina is Sailor Venus,Lita is Sailor Jupiter,Raye is Sailor Mars,Amy is Sailor Mercury, Haruka(Amara)is Sailor Uranus,Michelle(Michiru)is Sailor Neptune,SetsunaTrista)is Sailor Pluto,Hotaru is Sailor Saturn and Rini is Sailor Mini(Chibi) Moon.All this Sailors have the power to turn into Super Sailors.
        There are 3 feline guardians who help the Sailors in any situation.There names are: Luna,Aretemis and Diana.Serena takes care of Luna,Mina with Aretemis and Diana is probably taken care of by Rini.The cats guide and help the Sailor Scouts with almost everything.
        In other series,the Sailor Starlights and Chibi Chibi come in.The Sailor Starlights are the 3 guy/girls that are dressed in mostly black with other colors and I guess fight with the other Sailor Scouts.All together there are 14 different Sailors.All of them fight evil. Each Sailor Scout (besides the Starlights)are princesses of their own planet.
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